Find out whether you need a blue card for your work or volunteering activities with children in Queensland.
The Blue Card Renewal and application process is now complete online. In the past, applicants had to fill out a form, print it and bring along with a copy of ID to a club representative, who had to complete their portion and send the form off to the QLD Government.
Now – the process is completely online. The process is mostly the same for a brand new application, compared to a renewal.
To apply for, or renew, a blue card, please follow the below instructions.
If you already have a blue card portal login, login using your ID and date of birth.
If you don’t have a login – click “Register for an Online Account”.
You will need to fill in some personal details, and eventually you will be given a portal account number. Make note of this number as you will require it later.
To login or create an online Blue Card account